Monday, March 30, 2009

Sustainable living tip of the day

Sustainable living tip of the day is turn off your cars engine while waiting for the traffic signal to go green.

Saturday, March 7, 2009

Sustainable Living Tip Of The Day

Sustainable living tip of the day is to use natural products to clean your house. It's sustainable to purchase natural clean products. Try lemon and baking soda and vinegar for maximum sustainability.

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Sustainable living tip of the day

Sustainable living tip of the day of the day is to print on both sides of the paper as much as possible.

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Sustainable Living Art OF The Day

Sustainable Living Art OF The Day is Eco Mans Portrait

Sustainable Living Tip OF The Day

Sustainable living tip of the day is to eat less meat, and not necessarily becoming a vegetarian. It is sustainable to consume more green then flesh.

Sunday, March 1, 2009

Sustainable Living Tips Last Week

Sustainable living tip number one was to buy local food. Its sustainable to buy locally grown organic food.

Sustainable living tip number two was to grow your salad at home in a small pot on your window sill. Its sustainable to grow food on our own.

Sustainable living tip number three was not to drive a gas guzzler. Do you really need that SUV? Six cylinders are not as sustainable as of four.

Sustainable living tip number four was to shave your underarms every week instead of using cancerous deodorants.

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