Friday, November 5, 2010

The vertical walk of a Goat

Mountain goat in Montana's Glacier national park travels thousands of feet a day but vertically to lick on exposed minerals that provide essential nutrients required for surviving the harsh winters of the region.... Glaciers in Montana's Glacier national park are melting fast, out of the original 150 Glaciers only 26 are left.....humans are blaming it to the Global warming again...
Image: National Geographic - Nov 2010....

Resident of the soda-can

Our trash is littered all over the sea beds, polluting them more and more. Fishermen from the gulf of Mexico have been reporting fish catch with oil in guts. Nature is very adaptive so wild life continues to live under the blessings of BP as well. Some times our wastes like the soda-can in the image is a blessing.
This tiny goby has taken residence in a soda can and seems to be decorating its facade, a tiny coral buildup maybe..

Image: National Geographic - Nov 2010....

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