Wednesday, March 10, 2010


We been hearing about Chef Daniel Angerer's breast milk cheese controversy since last week, and for anyone who’s up in arms over DENIEL ANGERER’S very special cheeses which he made using his wife’s breast milk, can put those pitchforks and torches away now. Speaking to 1010WINS today, Deniel Angerer affirmed that “My Spouse’s Mommy Milk Cheese” is not being sold at his restaurant. Daniel Angerer’s breast milk cheese came under media firestorm after a blogger misinterpreted in his blog post and declared that the cheese was for sale to the public. Even the Health Department came nosing around, and Deniel Angerer had to assure them that the thought of selling the breast milk cheese didn’t even cross his mind. He says: “Do you want to have your wife’s milk eaten by somebody else, no not really!”
But why is this so awful or scary or gross? Its local, organic & healthy cheese made from breast milk. Also how is this any less gross than eating cheese that came from the manure-covered teat of a factory-farmed, hormone-laden, antibiotics laden cow? After all, you have to admit that when it comes to foods that are organic, local, natural and free, human breast milk ticks all the boxes. And, remember, the stuff is naturally DESIGNED to be the ultimate human sustenance. So what do you think? Would you eat cheese made of human breast milk?


  1. In a word... No. Of all the things God gave us, why the hell would I want to eat this.

    And as far as Daniel Angerer is concerned, couldn't he have tried to make cheese from monkey milk or dolphin milk or something a little more challenging?

  2. Mr. Anonymous! Daniel Angerer’s breast milk cheese is just an experiment & there is nothing wrong with it except for the fact that it can result in turing human breast milk into an off the shelf commodity...leading to a much grosser exploitation of breast milk.

  3. The poster above is crazy. Daniel Angerer is crazy. Exploitation of breast milk? So now we'll have mass produced breast milk being marketed to the masses as an energy drink?

  4. Mr. Anonymous! Daniel Angerer’s is not talking about mass produced breast milk energy drink! the poor fellow only created a cheese out of his own wife's breast milk!

  5. Its all about prespective we choose to eat an egg which comes out of a chicken butt, its all about social norms.

    If this was something normally done during the ages then i guess no one would have had a problem with it.

    As far as I am concerned i love cheese and i guess trying Women Breast Cheese well y not?

  6. It would be even better if you know who the lady is! :P

  7. Quoting Hannan "Mr. Anonymous! Daniel Angerer’s is not talking about mass produced breast milk energy drink! the poor fellow only created a cheese out of his own wife's breast milk!"

    ----just to get some attention ! -----

    @Hannan- Breast milk is already off the shelves except maybe not at Daniel Angerer's bedroom shelf

  8. Mr.Anonymous 2,

    Why is Breast milk off the shelves, what happens to the poor resource less people.

  9. you mean poor people who cant buy cow milk go for their womens breast milk ?

  10. Exactly why is breast milk being discussed as an off the shelf product….that is not even the debate ….

  11. OMG first of all it took me a couple of minutes to absorb the shock of this humiliating act....why would someone make cheese out of his wife's breast milk...arent we supposed to be a sophisticated and educated nation???? i dont get it....this is so sick and disguisting that i honestlyhave no words to explain myself...and why are we even comparing a poor man from a third world country who is never able to afford milk with this psycho-path????? just the thought of it gives me be honest i am afraid to ask " IF PEOPLE CAN GET ANY LOWER THEN THIS"...are we on the verge of losing humanity or we have already lost it??????????


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